Commission Release 

By submitting a pet photo for a commissioned pet portrait, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.

  • Custom artwork created by Jill Militzer of A Jill Original, uses artistic interpretation of a pet photograph through hand drawn techniques.  The intention is to not create an exact replica of a photo, rather the best representation possible of a pet’s image.
  • If a client does not respond with input regarding the progress of their pet portrait, it is to be assumed they are in agreement to have Jill Militzer, of A Jill Original, finish the portrait to its completion.
  • Commissioned Pet Portraits can be used at Jill Militzer’s discretion for reproduction within any marketing or media advertising, publications, websites, or on any social media platforms in perpetuity.
  • Testimonials or positive feedback shared from client texts or emails can be used on the A Jill Original website and any additional social media platforms for promotional purposes.
  • Jill Militzer solely owns all rights to her artwork.  Clients are prohibited from selling commissioned Pet Portraits by A Jill Original for profit. 
  • Only original photos of pets can be used for pet portraits.  Clients solely assume all liability and legal responsibility for any photos submitted that are copyrighted, either intentionally or unintentionally.

By submitting a pet photo for a commissioned pet portrait, you are agreeing to the above terms and conditions.

To prevent spam, Jill will provide you with a password to unlock the photo submission form during your consultation.